Teacher training

To make reusable sanitary pads. About 30 teachers from different schools in region 1 both UBS and SSS, from private and public schools. The training was conducted due to the issues of menstrual hygiene management and period poverty highlighted from our research findings. The initiative was appreciated by all the schools. Twenty-six Home Economics teachers in Region one completed a 5day training on how to sew reusable sanitary pads.

During the course of the training, teachers came up with a project that would be implemented across all their various schools (26 different schools). The name of the project is called Pretty Girls Corner.


Pretty Girls Corner project will establish a reusable sanitary pad bank in Home Economics labs in schools. The project initiators will train their colleagues and students both boys and girls how to sew handmade reusable pads during their practical sessions. Each student will leave one or two pads in the pad bank for themselves and their friends. These pads will be washed, dried, ironed, packaged, and stored in the pad bank where girls can easily walk in to get ready to use pads during their periods.
The objectives of the Pretty Girls Corner project are to keep girls in school during their periods, teach girls about self-care during their periods and support them achieve their future dreams.

The pads they made are reusable and the materials are locally sourced and cheaper than disposable sanitary napkins. The CHE Project provided the materials with funding from IDRC. Similar trainings were being conducted in the community from Banjul to Abuko with the out of school adolescents and community women within the project site

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