Community training

As part of the initial preparatory phase, the project on, ‘Strengthening Access to Quality Comprehensive Health Education (CHE) in The Gambia, today conducted a focused group meeting with selected community members in Latrikunda Sabiji. The overall objective of this meeting was to brief these community stakeholders about the aim and objectives of the project but also to enlist their support in the establishment of a community-based committee (CBC) that will serve as an interface between the project and the community. This activity is ongoing and will be conducted in 19 wards in West Coast Region. The meeting was facilitated by Phebian Ina Grant – Sagnia (Project Co-Principal Investigator), Dr. Mat Lowe (Project Social Scientist-Reseacher) and Ramatoulie from the Curriculum Research and Evaluation Directorate of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE).

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